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Diversity is our advantage

Remarkable Women @ Bosch

This is what we stand for

We are convinced that diversity of thinking, experience, perspectives and lifestyles will ensure our sustainable business success. Therefore one pillar of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Bosch also includes attracting, developing and binding female talent in order to bring more women into digitization and leadership.

The story of our support for equal opportunities

Women at Bosch History

1905: The first woman is hired as shorthand typist at Bosch.

1970: Ursula Blaich becomes the first department head at Bosch.
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1988: Company agreement on the promotion of women is adopted.

1994: Board of management launches working group ”Women in management positions”.

2011: Diversity established as an integral part of the corporate strategy.
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2023: Worldwide, 28% of our associates are women — as of December 31, 2022.

Bosch as an employer

We do not offer you just a job, but also the chance to align your professional with your private goals.

Our services for you

Besides our activities for Equal Pay we offer mentoring programs und seminars like the „Business Women‘s Program“ for women in specialist, project and leading functions. Our Associate Networks women@bosch as well as the female engineers network heratec and forum „women in technology” are looking forward to meet you.

We offer you a range of attractive benefits worldwide. See some examples of our offerings in Germany. Please speak to your superiors or recruitment contact for your individual benefit plan.

Develop future competencies

Multiple careers within one company

International collaboration and development

Attractive remuneration

Flexible working models

Employee networks

Diversity in practice

Supportive leaders

Non-profit foundation

A group of diverse associates are sitting in a room. The focus lies on one woman facing the camera over their shoulder. A college jacket is hanging over the back of her chair with an imprint which says "lifelong learning - Bosch".

Let’s grow together

Grow into countless new roles, positions and opportunities.

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