The future of urban mobility
The more people there are living in cities, the more important it is to make getting from A to B a pleasant experience. Solutions for seamless connectivity in smart cities are needed to make this happen.
By 2050, at least 70 percent of the global population will be living in cities. Even today, solutions for improved traffic flow, convenient commuting and better road safety are already in high demand. Connected and automated driving helps to make urban mobility stress- and accident-free — from multimodal transport services to robot taxis. When it comes to improving air quality in cities, modern internal-combustion engines and electromobility are both part of the solution.
In addition to existing cutting-edge Bosch technology, new solutions will soon be helping to shape urban life. At “Bosch Mobility Experience” 2017 (#BoschME), international journalists and bloggers put them to the test on Bosch’s own proving grounds in Boxberg, Germany.
Blogger Fabian Mechtel at #BoschME
Blogger Fabian Mechtel at #BoschME
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