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Interview with Zico Kolter

Can smart solutions be artificial? They sure can!

Zico Kolter on the topic of artificial intelligence.

In our interview series “Thought leaders in AI”, we had the opportunity to talk to Zico Kolter, Chief Scientist for AI at Bosch, about his personal view on various topics in the field of artificial intelligence. An AI system played the moderator and asked him questions on various exciting topics: How does he see the differences in AI development between Europe and the USA? Which celebrities would he like to meet one day? And finally: Which Bosch product does he particularly like?

Zico Kolter sits on a chair and speaks into the camera, in front of her the words “Thought Leader in AI”.

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Zico Kolter is a professor and senior scientist for AI research at the Bosch Center for AI (BCAI). His research focuses on machine learning, optimisation and control. An important part of his work is to make deep learning algorithms, i.e. complex artificial neural networks, safer, more robust and easier to understand.

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