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Bosch – an employer of choice

The three P’s of sustainability – people, planet, prosperity – are inseparable as far as I’m concerned. Responsible treatment of people and the environment is firmly embedded in our corporate culture as well as in our associates’ mindsets.

Erika Rasch, head of Human Resources – People and Culture

Bosch’s culture – pivotal to our success

The world over, our associates are united by a unique corporate culture. We create an environment that enables all associates to contribute to the company’s long-term success because they feel respected at Bosch and are able to develop their full potential.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Bosch values the diversity of its associates’ perspectives, experience, and lifestyles. We are convinced that teams with a range of perspectives, educational and cultural backgrounds, as well as personal qualities often produce better results and that mutual appreciation of each team member’s uniqueness is beneficial for the work climate.

Picture shows the outline of a group of people. The outline is colorful.

That is why we have firmly anchored diversity in our mission statement “Be #LikeABosch” as one of our values and foster and encourage diversity as part of our corporate strategy. Our Code of Conduct, too, underscores that Bosch respects and protects the personal dignity of each individual, tolerates neither discrimination nor harassment, and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion. It is very important to us that — irrespective of gender, age, background, or any other aspects — all associates around the globe feel valued and can devote their individual strengths, expertise, and potential to the company.

This also includes promoting women to bring them into leadership. The aim is that by 2030 at least one in four leadership positions at Bosch worldwide are held by a woman. The share of women in leadership positions– considering all management levels — is currently at 20.0 percent (previous year: 19.2 percent).

140 coordinators

are embedding topics of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization and making them visible.

Social responsibility

Social responsibility has a long tradition at Bosch.

For us, it begins with fair treatment of our associates: in the “Basic principles of social responsibility at Bosch,” the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH and the employee representatives commit, among other things, to complying with human rights, equal opportunities, fair working conditions, and global standards in occupational health and safety. The 11 principles are based on the core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We contribute to improving human rights conditions worldwide by implementing due diligence obligations concerning human rights in our operational processes.

Identifying risks, avoiding accidents in the workplace

Preventing accidents and ensuring workplace safety is a crucial part of our responsibility as an employer.

By 2025, we aim to lower the number of work-related accidents at Bosch to 1.45 accidents per 1 million hours worked. With an accident rate of 1.49 accidents per 1 million hours worked in 2023 (previous year: 1.62) we are on track to achieve our goal. Our efforts are aimed above all at minimizing the risk of accidents.

A key to our success is recognizing hazards before an accident occurs. That is why we focus, among other things, on training and awareness-raising measures to identify risks at an early stage and prevent accidents at work. We draw on innovative concepts and new technologies to offer our associates attractive and varied training materials.

For further information on the number of occupational accidents at Bosch, see our key figures tool.

Picture with a white, rectangular speech bubble on a yellow surface. In the speech bubble you can see the outline of a person with a safety helmet next to the words “Safety is my business”. There are black stripes on the bottom of the picture.

1.49 accidents per 1 million hours worked

We believe we are on track to reaching our goal: by 2025, we aim to lower the number of work-related accidents at Bosch to 1.45 accidents per 1 million hours worked.

Occupational health

Each individual’s health is of vital importance both for our associates’ motivation and satisfaction and for Bosch as a responsible, high-performing company. We have therefore integrated occupational health in our fundamental principles of work and made them a fixed element of our corporate culture.

Pilates class

As a person’s health depends on many factors, associates and the company work together as part of a holistic approach to occupational health. Given that good leadership culture and team spirit among colleagues are key in this respect, guidelines for healthy management are firmly anchored in the “We LEAD Bosch” leadership principles.

Our occupational health management system “befit” covers a wide range of topics from preventive medical care and physical and mental fitness to mental health and right through to tips on a healthy diet and workplace design. An important role is also played by our reintegration management, as well as leadership, training, and competence development in relation to individuals’ health, and the integration of people with reduced capacity to work and severe disabilities.

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