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Responsible corporate governance

Sustainability strategy and compliance

Clear strategy for more sustainability

Bosch’s sustainability strategy is based on concrete objectives in all focus areas. We have for many years now been consistently working to realize those objectives.

Graphic of the Bosch sustainability target vision: The six dimensions of the target vision are arranged in a hexagon. The climate action dimension includes the topics "reducing CO₂ emissions" and "energy efficiency and renewable energies". The water dimension includes the topics “water scarcity” and “water quality”. The circular economy dimension includes the topics of “materials efficiency” and “second life”. The diversity dimension includes the topics “equity” and “inclusion”. The human rights dimension includes the issues of “responsibility” and “transparency”. The health dimension includes the topics of "occupational safety" and "substances of concern". In the middle of the hexagon it says “New Dimensions Sustainability 2025”.
The target vision “New Dimensions — Sustainability 2025.”

We see sustainability as the balance between the economic, ecological and social dimensions of our business activities as part of responsible corporate governance.

We have summarized the focal points of our sustainability management in the “New Dimensions — Sustainability 2025” target vision. It describes six topic areas that set the framework for our activities in the coming years.

Our target vision in detail

With our activities, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015. By regularly comparing them against our sustainability activities, we gauge where we as a company can make a specific contribution to individual SDGs.

Clear designation of responsibility for sustainability

Defined as a group-wide task within the Bosch Group, sustainability is coordinated by the Sustainability and EHS (Environment, Health, Safety) corporate department. The business sectors pursue the jointly set goals on the basis of systematic sustainability management.

Presentation of the organization of sustainability at Bosch: At Bosch, the highest technical committee for sustainability is the Corporate Sustainability Board under the aegis of the CEO. The board concerns itself with Bosch’s strategic orientation in relation to sustainability, whereas goal agreements and management review for all sustainability-related issues are the responsibility of the CEO and the board of management member responsible for sustainability.
At Bosch, the highest technical committee for sustainability is the Corporate Sustainability Board (CSB) under the aegis of the chairman of the board of management of Robert Bosch GmbH and the board of management member responsible for sustainability. In particular, the CSB defines the Bosch Group’s sustainability strategy and the corresponding sustainability goals. Find out more about how sustainability is organized at Bosch on page 14 of the sustainability report.

Focusing on what truly matters

As a leading global supplier of technology and services, Bosch operates in a large number of markets around the world. Directly or indirectly, our business operations affect the interests of a wide range of stakeholders. To parse out what these interests are and take account of them in our activities, we actively seek to enter into dialogue with our stakeholders. We address issues that are brought to our attention via the different communication channels as well as seeking dialogue on those issues that we ourselves want to raise in the social discourse. As a result, we hold a continuous exchange on a broad range of highly diverse topics from which all parties involved benefit.

Overview of key stakeholder groups, forms of dialogue and material topics

Compliance – even beyond corporate boundaries

Compliance refers to the observance of legal requirements and internal corporate policies and rules. The Code of Conduct provides guidance for all Bosch associates on values-based, ethical, and legally irreproachable conduct. We feel that responsible and lawful conduct is important beyond company boundaries and have formulated our expectations of our business partners in codes of conduct.

Dr. Stefan Hartung
Dr. Stefan Hartung, chairman of the board of management

Code of Conduct

Cover Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Guidelines for our behaviour in business transactions

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

Code of Conduct for Business Partners

Guidelines for our business partners

Comprehensive compliance management system

Bosch’s compliance management system provides a binding framework worldwide for promoting compliant conduct and serves to reduce compliance risks.

It provides the basis for effective implementation of external and internal requirements and defines minimum requirements for processes of relevance for compliance. These include various prevention and control measures as well as the Bosch whistleblower system. Associates, business partners, and third parties can use this system at any time to report non-compliance, anonymously if they wish. Our Principles for reporting possible violations and processing reports at Bosch set out the details of the different reporting channels and the processing procedure.

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH operates an independent compliance management system and has developed its own code of conduct for employees and its own code of conduct for suppliers. In addition, BSH Hausgeräte GmbH operates its own reporting system.

Respect for human rights

As a globally operating company, we recognize our corporate responsibility to respect human rights.

By implementing human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in our operational processes, we contribute to improving human rights conditions worldwide. At the same time, we actively demand respect for human rights in our global supply chains as well and take appropriate remedial action in the case of violations.

Our business activity is aligned to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and we comply with the requirements of the National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights applicable in Germany. We implement the requirements of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG). Bosch also meets other country-specific requirements, such as the Modern Slavery Act in the UK or the French Loi de Vigilance.

We likewise expect our business partners to commit to respect human rights, to establish appropriate due diligence processes, and to oblige their own suppliers and other third parties to comply with corresponding principles to the best of their ability.

Learn more about responsible supply chain management

Split screen picture: in the middle, there is a female associate holding a laptop; on the left, there are wind mills, on the right, there is a production hall

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